Toshiba Satellite A200/A205 : Interesting offer

This whole description of this product :

Optimized for everyday use, the affordable Satellite A200/A205, with 15.4 inch diagonal widescreen TruBrite display, is loaded with a PC wish list of features. Intel's latest mobile technology offers efficient use of power and speed for multitasking and multimedia. Redesigned for looks and convenience, the Satellite A200/A205 offers an attractive Onyx Blue Metallic case, six CD/DVD control buttons for instant media access, and better spacing of its four USB ports to accommodate larger peripherals. Select models offer a DVD SuperMulti (+/-R double layer) with Labelflash drive, for burning high quality labels directly onto Labelflash media. Stay in touch with next generation wireless (802.11a/g/n) and built-in Webcam (select models)!

This product has been reviewed and almost every review mark it with title outstanding. one of them, Willster ( user of it) has experience this with comment :
I have had this laptop for a couple months now and I usually update and speed up the ram, graphics and harddrive by now on a notebook. BUT this notebook just rocks so i don't need to put anything more to it. the only complaint I have is that I wish I Got the Qosmo

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